Friday, October 12, 2007

I hate being in a depressive stae, which I am in right now. I brke down on the phone wwithmy dad, because it is a payweek, and still , we have no money left after paying bills. Not even for groceries, but I had to pay some stuff, or we would have no power, our phone would be shut off, and our car would be repossessed. I felt horrible complaining to him, as he just declared bankruptcy. He has no money either, just his pension once a month, which he has $80 to last him the rest of the month. I am trying to sell stuff on Craigslist & Ebay, but really, we have nothing worth selling. I'm getting frustrated. I'm trying so hard. and the depression is making EVERYTHING worse. I hae nothing to wear to my cousins wedding next week, I tried freecycle, and no one even responded. I am so sad. Somehting needs to change, I'm getting to the end of my rope here.

1 comment:

Pollyanna said...

Take heart in knowing you are NOT alone. We are so broke that it's pathetic. So scary and sad and frustrating. It was our 16th wedding anniversary yesterday and we went to a FREE rodeo, but bought BBQ for the boys and were stressing about the money we spent the whole time. It was quite the sad situation, I tell ya. Anyway, hang in there, things are bound to get better.