Saturday, October 13, 2007

I don't want my kids to see me cry, but I have been crying off & on the last 2 days because of money. My brother is taking our dirty clothes to the laundrymat, as I can't afford to do that. He doesn't want to give me cash, which kind of upsets me, as I need food too, but doing the laundry that has been piling up for 2 weeks is a huge help. I still need to find some grocery money, I want to ask my mom, but I know she doesn't have it either. She is in bad shape financially too, as she takes care of 2 youger siblings living at home, one disabled, and my stepfather, who is also disabled. I hate even asking her, I feel so bad. But honestly, I have no one else. We owe my in laws money, which we can't pay back now, and I can't ask them for more. Yuck. I just hate feeling like this, I know it has to get better, but when? My husband is leaving his job to move to another location the week after next, and the guys want to go out & celebrate. I have no money to give him to go out. I hope they plan on paying. If not, he will just drink water & deal. I can't give him what we don't have. Meanwhile, I am stressing. crying, feeling like crap, cause I don't have anything nice to wear for my cousins wedding next week. The call has gone out for hand me downs, but no one else in my family is as big as I am, most of them are size 5 or smaller. I am rambling and upset, I have to stop.


Pollyanna said...

oh geez. I am so sorry. and I understand. Believe me, i am in the same exact situation. i don't what to say about the wedding. Is there a clothes closet in town or a second hand/goodwill store? Sometimes on the weekends or in the middle of the week they will have a $1 bag sale. You should call around and see about that possiblity.

I am sorry you are feeling so sad and depressed. I really am. I wish I had the answer. But, considering you could be writing MY story I dont' know what to tell you! It sucks. Bad. And i am sorry.

Violet said...

I think I found a dress that will work, I just need to find a scarrf of wrap to go with it. I'll be hitting goodwill on Friday morning, when we have $