Saturday, October 6, 2007

I am probably the most boring person you will ever meet. I stay at home with my kids, I work part time, and that's about it. I watch far too much television& spend too much time on the internet. I have very few friends, and have a hard time keeping up with them. Most if them are single, and/or don't have kids. This is tons different from how my life used to be. I used to be fun, i used to be interesting, I used to be outgoing, and organized, & cared what I looked like. I shower everyday, but don't always get dressed. I have gained 70 lbs in the last 6 years, partly due to hypothyroid, and also because of my crappy eating habits. I hate the way I look, and an insecure. I have tried to meet new mommy friends, but have been shunned more than once. I'm not skinny enough, or AP enough, or I didn't breastfeed, or whatever. I can almost deal with the rejection, even though it stings. What kills me is that really, my younger kids don't have any friends. They have each other, so it's almost ok, but I really need to get my 3 1/2 yr old into preschool. It's an expense we can't afford. I looked into Head Start, but we make too much to qualify. Even our park district is more than we can afford. I'm hoping by the time he is 4 in February, we will have things a little more under control, so I can do that for him. Anyway, I an off on a tangent, which is why I will never be a good writer :)


Pollyanna said...

I understand! My kids didn't have any friends before they went to preschool either. They went to a State Preschool, where you can make more money and still qualify, and it was the BEST thing I ever did. Seriously. I wonder if they have State Preschools in Illinois? You could also check to see if they have any co-ops. Sometimes there are preschools that are really cheap/and or free that your kids can go to if you work there one or two days a month. Check into that option too!!!!

I know what you mean about being overweight and not really caring about your appearance. I have gained 150 lbs since I got married 16 years ago!!!!!!!!!! i look like a different person. Lots of reasons for the weight gain. When i didn't have to go work everyday I showered and that was about it. Some days I didn't even get dressed, because what was the point? That's one thing that's been good about me working full time. I get up every day, get dressed in real clothes, and put on makeup. EVERY day. It does wonders for a person's self esteem. It really does!

That's another benefit about volunteering in a preschool too, even though it is boring as hell, it gives you a chance to get to know other parents and chat. And gives you a reason to get dressed and slap on some makeup. I met one of my very best friends at preschool. We volunteered together and have been became very very good friends. Be creative and see what you can do about finding a preschool for your kids, you won't regret it.

Sorry, I am Miss bossy pants aren't I? SORRRY!!!!! :)

Violet said...

Hey~ any suggestions are welcome :) sometimes I need a kick in the pants.