Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Endocrinologist appointment went bad. The Dr was great, the office was fine, I'm horrible actually. I gained 10 more pounds in 3 weeks. My thyroid levels are horrible, which I knoew they would be, as I have not been on meds for more than 2 months now. He is concerned about diabetes. So, I'm monitoring, just like I needed to do during my last 2 pregnancies. He is making me go see a regular Doctor for some more health issues. My blood pressure is good at least, but then again, it always is. The first step is to get my thyroid under control. I had just been diagnosed hypothyroid and had been on meds less than 6 weeks before I got pregnant with my youngest. It has never really been completely under control since. The Doc said that he feels that once we get my thyroid to a good place, my depression will be lessened. He does not really feel that I will probably lose much weight at all, which makes me sad. Not that I ever am going to be a size 4 again, but a size 12 or 14 would be nice. :) I'm trying to be patient, but I am sick of feeling this way, and want to sleep again someday.


Pollyanna said...

How are you feeling? Any better? I hope???? I am glad you liked your new doctor better than your old one.

Violet said...

Feeling a bit better, but we will see. I already can tell that my dosage is going to have to be upped. I asked for anti anxiety meds, but he said we need to wait until my thyroid is more stable first.