Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am fat. I wasn't always fat, but I have been for the last 3 years, since my middle son was born. I am a comfort eater. It doesn't really matter what I eat, when I am stressed, anything will do. I am not too particular. Once I ate a frozen dinner still cold because I could not wait for it to cook. I have food issues. I have an eating disorder. Most people would laugh if they heard me say that, because I am fat. I cannot stop eating. I try & do other things, but food just calls to me. I have no control. We have no $, so a lot of the stuff I eat is cheap processed food, which I know is bad for me, but we can afford it. Also, it's quick to make, which is a bonus. I make sure my kids eat well, but i can't seem to do the same for myself. I am pathetic.


Pollyanna said...

Oh boy. I hear you. I am fat too. Not pleasantly plump, not round, just plain old fat. I don't always binge, but i do on occasion and then hate myself for it later. Dear Lord, why did I think I needed to eat 6 cookies in one afternoon???!

I found you at the basement. It's funny how food, emotions, and money problems all seem to be tied together, isn't it?

AND I hope you can find some comfort in blogging. I know I have and have met some good online friends in the process. Hang it there sweety, it's gonna get better!!!!!

Violet said...

Thanks jodi! I'm trying to find comfort in small things, I just get so overwhelmed sometimes. I'm making myself write, even though for the most part, I know no one's reading, because it helps a bit.